It is designed as an interactive forum where they can note goals, reflect on objectives or achieved competencies as well as document successfull projects.
As it is interactive, it allows communication between students about their projects and thus to motivate each other. Teachers can take part too and evaluate their students individual progress.
For each project, the teacher can define curricular competencies the students have to achieve. By tagging specific items which indicate the achieved competencies, students will be able to keep record of their individual proceedings and share them with their fellow students.

  • eportfolio.cobal is the first application of the COBAL project. Its a web-based student eportfolio.
  • eportfolio.cobal is developed in close collaboration with the LIS (Landesinstitut für Schule Bremen).
  • eportfolio.cobal will be released as open source software.
  • The application is build with repoze.bfg.

Visit the COBAL website: